Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chick-uamegon 10K recap

The quest for a race every month has come to the this, a rainy crappy Saturday in November. Left Hayward with thunder and lightning and an entire bag of clothes not knowing what to expect from the wet, cold day.
Picked my mom up at the Backroads coffee and drove the hour up to Ashland, where the weather was a little better but Lake Superior was rolling dark and cool looking.
We went to bib pick up along with 256 women, most of them in pink, costumes, full make up and sparkle skirts, so fun. They were giving an award for the most blingy costume.
They ran out of shirts and promised they would be in the mail, I wouldn't normally care except for these were very cute pink hoodies!

They called for the 10K runners to line up at the start and at the same time a icy, rain came in with a east wind! brrrr, we were all soaked by the time the gun went off, but off we went, the run went away from the lake and rained on and off the whole race, I did actually warm up enough to unzip my jacket a little and lose the gloves. It was all men at the waterstops and road crossings, so a very cute, organized run. I finished 24th out of 64, 55, minutes, the rest were either walkers or 5K's.
Good snacks afterward and a women's expo going on next door. 

I didn't get a picture, but my Tootie was good enough to show off my tiara and medal!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Stacey! I've always wanted to do a race where you got a hoodie instead of a shirt.
