Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I haven't written in so long so I am going to just write this morning. It has been a month since my marathon and I have to tell you it is kind of a let down, I am back to running 20 miles a week and signed up for the Polar Dash on January 1. Looking forward to doing that new distance 14 miles in the cold and snow!

I started doing a little strength workout Betty Rocker 30 day Challenge my legs are killing me, guess I needed something other than running. Signed up for 2 workouts, Core at our local WITC and the 2013 HBBC challenge, check it out, you can sign up through the link on the right. That should get me through the holidays with little to no weight gain.

As always I am trail running 3 days a week with one short run on the road, We ran a new singletrack trail on Sunday and I can't wait to go back. It's part of the CAMBA Trails called Gravity Cavity, fun, fun, fun!